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IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Guide

A guide for IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks users


Communities and Collections can be maintained by affiliated campus members who have been granted access by the library to manage user roles, new submissions, and (if needed) corrections to items related to their unit or program.

Roles for collections include:

  • Administrators: decide who can submit items to the collection, edit item metadata (after submission), and add (map) existing items from other collections to this collection (subject to authorization for that collection).
  • Submitters: have permission to submit new items to this collection
  • Reviewers: able to accept or reject incoming submissions. However, they are not able to edit the submission's metadata.
  • Editors: able to edit the metadata of incoming submissions, and then accept or reject them.
  • Final editors: able to edit the metadata of incoming submissions, but will not be able to reject them.

Items submitted to a collection with roles established for Reviewers, Editors, or Final editors must first be claimed and reviewed by people in those roles. After the items are claimed and the "workflow" is completed, the submitter receives an email with a link to the record on ScholarWorks.