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IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Guide

A guide for IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks users

Creating metadata for batch upload

Creating metadata for batch upload

The library will work with collection coordinators to upload multiple items to collections. Coordinators should refer to the Metadata tips page in this guide and contact the ScholarWorks administrators for additional help.


Metadata formatting

Some or all of the following fields (or slight variations on them) may appear in a metadata template.

  • File name:REQUIRED. Copy or type the file name exactly, including the extension (.PDF, for example). See the "Create List of File Names" tab for some tips on creating an error-free list of file names.
  • Collection_name: REQUIRED. Copy or type the collection name exactly. 
  • Collection_URL: REQUIRED. Copy or type the collection URL exactly.
  • Author (or Authors): RECOMMENDED. Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc. 
  • Editor: OPTIONAL. Use only for issue-level content (eg: table of contents). Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc.
  • Translator: OPTIONAL. Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc. 
  • Committee_chair_or_advisor: RECOMMENDED IF APPLICABLE. Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc. 
  • Committee_cochair: OPTIONAL. Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc. 
  • Committee_member:OPTIONAL. Format as: Lastname1, Firstname1|Lastname2, Firstname2 etc. 
  • Title: REQUIRED. Capitalize the first word and proper nouns; do not use all capital letters. 
  • Pub_year: REQUIRED. Format as YYYY, validated field.
  • Pub_month: OPTIONAL. Integer between 1 and 12, validated field. 
  • Pub_day: OPTIONAL. Integer between 1 and 31, validated field. 
  • Journal_or_series: REQUIRED IF APPLICABLE. Full title of journal or series.
  • Vol_IssueNumber: REQUIRED IF APPLICABLE. Vol. [#] (eg: Vol. 102).
  • Publisher: OPTIONAL. No formatting requirements. 
  • Relationship: OPTIONAL. Relationship to another item. For example, if an article is a review, should follow the format: "Review of: [citation of work reviewed]"
  • Citation: OPTIONAL. If previously published, enter citation information in any standard citation format. 
  • Language: OPTIONAL. Validated field.
  • COPYFN_Lang_code: OPTIONAL. Validated field; will auto-populate based on language selection.
  • Type: REQUIRED. Validated field. 
  • Keywords (or Author_keywords): HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Separate multiple keywords with a pipe ("|").
  • Abstract: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Line breaks not allowed, but no formatting requirements. 
  • Description: OPTIONAL. No formatting requirements.
  • CC_license: (Creative Commons license). OPTIONAL. Validated field.
  • COPYFN_CC_URI: Auto-populates based on selection of CC_license.
  • Degree_discipline: RECOMMENDED IF APPLICABLE.
  • Degree_name: RECOMMENDED IF APPLICABLE. Concatenation of Degree_name and Degree_discipline.
  • Embargo_end_year: REQUIRED IF APPLICABLE. Format as YYYY, validated field.
  • Embargo_end_month: REQUIRED IF APPLICABLE. Integer between 1 and 12, validated field. 
  • Embargo_end_day: REQUIRED IF APPLICABLE. Integer between 1 and 31, validated field. 
  • Release_form_filename: REQUIRED if present. Copy or type the file name exactly, including the extension (.PDF, for example). Suggested file name structure: LastnameFirstname_YYYY_FERPA.PDF, LastnameFirstname_authorrelease.PDF, as appropriate.
  • Release_form_hdl: REQUIRED if applicable. If an applicable release form has been deposited to ScholarWorks, include the complete ScholarWorks handle for archived release form (e.g.….).

In order to create an accurate list of filenames for your batch upload, we highly recommend using an automated method as opposed to manually typing the filenames or copying and pasting them one by one. You can then copy and paste the list of filenames with extensions into your template.

PLEASE NOTE that these methods will create a new file in your directory which must be removed before pasting the list into the metadata template.

Also note:

  • File names should not include spaces or special characters.
  • File names in the metadata must match actual file names exactly, and include the file extension.


How to create a file list at a command prompt

  1. In Windows 10, click start and type “cmd” and “Enter” to open the Command Prompt
  2. At a command prompt, locate the drive that contains the folder whose contents you want to list. For example, if you want to create a text file that contains a list of the contents of a folder on drive C, type the following command at a command prompt, and then press ENTER:


  1. At a command prompt, locate the folder whose contents you want to list. For example, if you want to create a text file that contains a list of the contents in the Windows folder on drive C, type the following commands at a command prompt, and press ENTER after you type each command:

cd windows

  1. Type the following command at a command prompt, and then press ENTER, where filename is the name of the text file that you are creating:

dir /B > file.txt

For example, if you want to create a file named Windowsfolderlist.txt, type the following command at a command prompt, and then press ENTER:

dir /B > windowsfolderlist.txt

NOTE: The text file that you create is located in the folder that you are in when you follow these steps. In the earlier example, the Windowsfolderlist.txt file is located in the Windows folder.

  1. Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to view or print this file.

NOTE: You cannot export or print a list of the files that are contained in a folder in Windows Explorer.




How to make a file list with TextEdit

  1. Choose Finder (at the top of the screen) > Preferences, then click Advanced.
  2. Select “Show all filename extensions.”
  3. Open the folder whose contents you want to list.
  4. Press “Command-A” to select all items in the folder
  5. Press “Command-C” to copy the list
  6. Open TextEdit by opening the Finder, selecting “Applications” and opening TextEdit
  7. Choose Format > Make Plain Text
  8. Press “Command-V” to paste the list of files with extensions into the document.
  9. Save the document.

How to make a file list using Terminal

  1. Open the Finder, click on Applications, and open the Utilities folder
  2. Open the Terminal application
  3. In the Terminal, locate the folder whose contents you want to list. For example, if you want to create a text file that contains a list of the contents of a folder on the Desktop called “Example”, type the following commands at a command prompt, and press ENTER after you type each command:

cd Desktop
cd Example

  1. To make a list of the files in the folder “Example” type:

ls > file-list.txt

NOTE: The text file that you create is located in the folder that you are in when you follow these steps.

When a user browses a collection, items are displayed in reverse chronological order in which they are uploaded into ScholarWorks (newest items first), even for items uploaded in batch. If default display order is important to you, you must order your items in the metadata template with those you want to appear last at the top of the spreadsheet, and those you want to appear first at the bottom of the spreadsheet. 

Please note that the user can change the order in which items are displayed, and that with subsequent batch uploads, the newest items will appear at the top by default.


Language codes

Value Language
en_US English (United States)
en English
ar Arabic
bn Bengali
my Burmese
ca Catalan
zh Chinese
da Danish
nl Dutch
fr French
de German
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
is Icelandic
it Italian
ja Japanese
jv Javanese
ko Korean
la Latin
ml Malay
mr Marathi
ne Nepali
pt Portuguese
pa Punjabi
ro Romanian
ru Russian
es Spanish
ta Tamil
te Telugu
tr Turkish
ur Urdu
vi Vietnamese
other Other language