Audio and video (A/V) content should be intended for access. We currently do not accept or store very large files, such as those typical of production-quality material. A/V material submitted should be of a manageable download size, in accordance with our Collection and content policy.
You may also submit multiple versions of the same content (for example, high res and low res, or various languages). If your content already has captions and you would like them included, we accept a variety of formats including .DFXP, .srt, .vtt, and TTML.
If your A/V files exceed our size limit, we recommend that you submit a lower resolution version. If you are looking for a program to resize videos, we find Handbrake very helpful. It's open source, available for most popular operating systems, and has robust documentation.
ScholarWorks does not support streaming at this time--we expect to offer streaming in 2024.