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IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Guide

A guide for IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks users

Steps for Uploading Your Thesis

Step 1

Go to IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks to login with your IU username and password.

Step 2

Look for the "Log in " link in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3

Choose "Log in with IU Login"

screenshot of the login box for IUPUI ScholarWorks

Step 4

Log in with your IU username and password.

screenshot of the login window

Step 5

If you have successfully logged in, click on "+ New" in the right-hand menu bar. Then choose "Item."

screenshot of locations of "+ New" and "Item"

Step 6

If you have been given permission from the Graduate School or your department to upload your thesis, choose the correct collection for your work. (Note: If you do not see a collection, contact the Graduate School or the Library for help. This will not work if you do not have prior permission.)

Type the name of your department or school in the "Create a new item box" to find your collection.

(Note: Each step in the submission process will include buttons at the bottom of the page which allow you to discard or save your work so that you can login to IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks and start over or finish the submission later.)

screenshot of the save or discard options

Step 7

First, upload your file(s). DO THIS BEFORE FILLING OUT THE FORM. Drag and drop your file anywhere on the page or click on the browse button to attach your file. You may upload more than one file -- to do so, click on the "Add more+" button. The upload may take a few seconds depending on the size of your PDF.

Step 8

The next few steps involve describing your thesis. Enter the information appropriately for your specific document.

Please complete the following fields.

  • Authors: Last name and First name. Include middle name or initial if desired
  • Title: Do not use ALL CAPS.
  • Date of Issue: The date on the first page of the document.
  • Language: The language of the main content of the item.
  • Subject Keywords: At least 3 keywords that you believe succinctly describe your thesis/dissertation.
  • Abstract: This will help others when searching either from within IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks or from search engines. Copying and pasting a paragraph or two from your introduction will suffice if you do not have an abstract.
  • Degree:
  • Degree Grantor:
  • Committee Chair:
  • Committee Members:
  • Year Degree Granted/to be Granted:

screenshot of webform for: authors, title, other titles, date of issue, and language fields

Step 9

You will be able to view your file under "Manage Files." Here you can view, download, delete and replace your file as needed.

Optional: If you need to place an embargo on your file, use the calendar to select a lift date. The landing page for this thesis will be visible to all, but users will be unable to download the file until the lift date arrives. The Graduate School limits embargo terms to no longer than two years.

To select an embargo, begin by choosing the "Embargo/Describe File" button.

image of where to select an optional embargo

If you want to share your file with readers everywhere as soon as possible, choose "Open Access." Optionally, you can choose up to a two-year embargo on access to the file by selecting "Embargo."

where to choose "Open Access" or "Embargo"

If you choose to apply an embargo, use the calendar to select a date that the file will be available to download.

image of calendar tool in the embargo form

Step 10

Next you will be given the opportunity to assign a Creative Commons License to your work. A Creative Commons License allows you to set parameters for what you will or will not allow others to do with your work. Selecting a Creative Commons License is NOT required. For more information about what a Creative Commons License is, please visit:

Step 11a

If you do NOT with to select a Creative Commons License, do not select anything from the drop-down menu and move to Step 12 on this guide.

screenshot of the Creative Commons option NOT selected

Step 11b

If you DO wish to include a Creative Commons License, choose Creative Commons from the drop-down menu and answer the questions that appear.

In the following example, the author would allow anyone to re-post or use their thesis, as long as they credit the author.

Note: We recommend that you choose the International license.

screenshot of the Creative Commons chooser

Step 12

Finally you need to read through the IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Distribution License to understand the license to which you are agreeing and what you are allowing IU Indianapolis and University Library to do with your work. This is a separate license from the Creative Commons License and it is required. If you agree to the terms, check the box next to "I confirm the license above" and click the "Deposit" button.