IUPUI ScholarWorks Help
Create an account
An account is necessary to submit content and to receive e-mail updates when new content is added. Log in to IUPUI ScholarWorks with your IU ID and password to create an account.
How to Login
Log in to IUPUI ScholarWorks with your IU username and password.
My Profile/Account
If you are a registered IUPUI ScholarWorks user and have logged in, the "Login" menu option will change to a "My Account" menu. Here you'll find:
- Profile
- Identify – you may make changes to your name, or add a telephone number for account administration purposes.
- Subscriptions – you may opt to receive daily email alerts to any new items added to collections by selecting the collections you wish to follow.
- Security – for those who sign in using an email address and password, you may change your password here. NOTE: this is not applicable to those who sign in using IU credentials.
- Submissions
- A list of your in-progress submissions - from this list you can resume the submission process where you left off, or you can remove the submission and cancel the item.
- A list of your archived submissions that have already been accepted.
- Logout
How to Submit
See How to submit.
For guidance on describing your content in the submission process, see Metadata tips.
How to Get Additional Help
For additional help, contact the IUPUI University Library Center for Digital Scholarship.