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IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Guide

A guide for IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks users

Rights and resposibilities of ScholarWorks users

ScholarWorks Policies

Depositor Responsibilities

The responsibilities of the depositor are to:

  • Understand and observe ScholarWorks policies.
  • Clear copyright for items deposited when copyright owner is not the depositor or Indiana University. 
  • Provide an accurate description of the deposited content, and verify its correctness once deposited.
  • Agree to the Deposit License.
  • If possible, make explicit the terms under which others can use the deposited content. One easy way to license your content to others is through the use of a Creative Commons license; see Copyright and intellectual property for more guidance.
  • Arrange for the deposit of the work.

Responsibilities and Rights of ScholarWorks

What are IU Indianapolis Libraries' responsibilities?

IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks agrees to:

  • retain and maintain content submitted to IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks
  • distribute content according to community decisions (to IU Indianapolis minimally, unless prior approval is granted by IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks Working Group)
  • preserve content using accepted preservation techniques
  • provide access to IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks research
  • notify communities of significant changes to content, e.g. format migration
  • if IU Indianapolis libraries cease to support IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks : (1) return collections to existing communities and (2) offer collections to IU Indianapolis Archives
  • consult with communities on content guidelines
What are IU Indianapolis Libraries' rights?

IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks retains the right to:

  • redistribute, sell or amend metadata for items in IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks
  • refuse or de-accession items or Collections under certain circumstances - as outlined in the Withdrawal Policy
  • renegotiate terms of original agreement with Communities
  • determine long-term archival value when Communities cease to exist or within thirty years of the creation of a Collection
  • structure Collections to reflect current understanding between IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks and Communities
  • migrate items if format is in danger of obsolescence
  • set quotas (size of files, number of items) to determine what constitutes free service and after which point to charge a fee
  • Charge fee for activities requiring extensive centralized support from IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks (e.g. large amount of de-accessioning)
What are IU Indianapolis's rights?

IU Indianapolis has the right to:

  • Set policy at the IU Indianapolis level regarding issues that affect IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks , e.g. copyright rules, thesis requirements, etc.
Withdrawal Policy

IU Indianapolis libraries foresee times when it may be necessary to remove items from the repository. It has been decided that under some circumstances items will be removed from view, but to avoid loss of the historical record, all such transactions will be traced in the form of a note in the Description.provenance field of the Dublin Core record. The content of the note should be one of the following:

  • "removed from view at request of the author"
  • "removed from view at IU Indianapolis's discretion"
  • "removed from view at IU Indianapolis libraries' discretion"
  • "removed from view by legal order"

Since any IU Indianapolis ScholarWorks item that has existed at some time may have been cited, we will always supply a "tombstone" when the item is requested, which will include the original metadata (for verification) plus one of the above withdrawal statements in place of the link to the object. The metadata should be visible, but not searchable. These items will also be made unavailable for metadata harvesting.