An ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that is associated with you. An ORCID can:
ORCID is increasingly required by funders and publishers, so the sooner you create your own ORCID, the better!
Example ORCID profile:
1. Navigate to the ORCID sign-in page:
2. Click "institutional account," and search for Indiana University. Login with your IU credentials (email accounts can be changed or personal ones added later). If you already have an ORCID, you may need to recover your credentials prior to linking your ORCID account to your IU credentials.
3. When filling out your account settings, make sure your visibility preferences are set to "Everyone". ORCID is for claiming an online identify as a scholar; it's most useful when everyone has access.
4. To add or edit your ORCID record's information, click the +Add Works button.
If you have published articles you want to find, select "Search and Link." If you want to add unpublished works, such as presentations, posters, or grey literature, click "Add Manually."
To find articles you've published, use CrossRef to search for the articles, and add them to your ORCID record.
Otherwise, enter the information about your works manually: