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Physician Assistant Program

A guide to the most useful Physician Assistant resources at IUPUI

About Endnote

EndNote is a program for managing bibliographic citations. It can automate much of the work of organizing and formatting citations and bibliographies in your writing. EndNote can connect to online sources such as IUCAT and article databases. Further, it formats references in  over 1,000 different bibliographic styles, and more.

EndNote is available free of charge to Indiana University students, faculty and staff. You can download it through IUware.

How to Use EndNote 21

Downloading Endnote to Your Computer

Endnote Support at IU Indianapolis

At IU Indianapolis, both University Library and the Ruth Lilly Medical Library provide training and some support in the use of EndNote. 

Each library has an EndNote webpage with lots of useful information:

  • EndNote  (from University Library)
  • EndNote (from the Ruth Lilly Medical Library)

The Ruth Lilly Medical Library has kindly agreed to help support the SON students and faculty when it comes to Endnote classes. They do a wonderful job teaching the software, and if you have questions after class, please follow up with Caitlin directly.

See this link for class dates and times. They are available in-person and via Zoom. Please register beforehand if you plan to attend in-person. For Zoom, you'll use the Zoom link at the top of the page at the appointed class time.

This link will show you how to set up Endnote to access the full-text of articles. Be aware that it isn't perfect, and it typically only seems to pull in 30-50% of the references in your list. You'll have to search the rest individually, and will likely have to request some of them using interlibrary loan.

For additional help, you can also search's knowledgebase:

When in doubt, call Endnote Technical Support! They are approachable, eager to help, and they are available Monday -Friday from 9am-8pm at 1-800-336-4474.