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Computer Science

Resource site for computer science and computationally-intensive programs for IU Indianpolis and Purdue Indianapolis

Help Options

QUICK Library Research HELP. University Library provides assistance in many ways during library hours, especially during academic sessions:

  • By phone : 317-274-0469 or 317-274-0472
  • By chat Monday - Friday 9 - 4 at left side of pageResearch Help
  • By e-mail:
  • By text: (66746)
  • In-person at the 2nd level lobby Information/Reference desk

Please note that the library's QUICK HELP service can't help you learn to use a Purdue resource unless it is also available at University Library. 

For ADDITIONAL HELP, contact resource/research specialist Randall Halverson. I'm happy to support your classwork or research via email or Canvas message suggestions or by appointment. Email is an effective medium to send questions: or For best results, please include your course and section number and background details, especially 

  • details about your project topic, such as your personal or professional interest in the topic,

  • whether you want to focus your topic and explore possible research directions, or search for "big picture" overview sources or in-depth specialized sources, etc.,

  • search resources and strategies that you've already tried.

To request a RESERVATION to meet, please use the library's "Make an Appointment" page, selecting my name from the list of subject librarians. If my time options shown on the calendar don't work for you, you are welcome to send 2 or 3 days/times you could meet by email. I'll respond. :~)

How Do I?/FAQs




Open Access Texts (OER)

Sample open access resources (OER) are linked at the Open Textbook Library or at the OER Commons. Resources are textbooks unless otherwise noted.

Also see:



End-of-Class Evaluation

Please complete the library session evaluation linked below (requires IU login).

Your participation is greatly appreciated and will help us improve our instruction! 

End-of-Class Evaluation QR Code

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