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Importing Works to Activity Insight

Data entry tips for completing the faculty annual review.

What is ORCID?

ORCID is a not-for-profit organization that provides authors with unique identifiers and an online, data-driven curriculum vitae. The Open Researcher Contributor Identifier (ORCID) is a 16 digit number that helps to verify and claim the works that you have authored. Learn more about ORCID at:

What is this page?

This page will show you how to import your publications from your ORCID profile to your Digital Measures Activity Insights (DMAI) profile.

Why should I do this?

If you have an up-to-date ORCID profile, this will save you time. This is not the only way to import your citations into Activity Insight. You can also use a BibTeX file. There are a variety of other ways documented on the Digital Measures web site.

How do I do this?

Prerequisite: If you do not have an up-to-date ORCID profile, this approach will not save time. It is, however, in your best interest to own an ORCID profile and to keep it up-to-date. Visit ORCID or (if you are on the IU Indianapolis campus) contact the Center for Digital Scholarship to get started.


Step 1. In the Activity Insights "Publications/Scholarship of Discovery" section, select "Import."

Import button in DMAI


Step 2. Under "Import from a Third Party," choose ORCID.

Import from a Third Party: ORCID


Step 3. Login to ORCID.

IU users can login with either their personal account (if they have one) or with the university credentials. To login with your IU account, select "Institutional Account" and click on "Indiana University."


Step 4. Authorize "Indiana University - Digital Measures" as a Trusted Party.

This will allow Activity Insights to harvest data from your ORCID account.

Authorize ORCID's Trusted Parties


Step 5. Select "Search ORCID" to choose the publications to import.

Now that you have connected your ORCID account to your IU Digital Measures Activity Insights account, you can import data from ORCID.

Search ORCID


Step 6. Select publications to import.

Choose to import all items or select only the relevant or new items from your ORCID record. After making your selections, click "Continue."

Select items to import.


Step 7. Resolve Duplicates, if needed.

If you import items that are already in your Activity Insights profile, you can choose to skip them.

Skip duplicates


Step 8. Match IU Co-authors to IU Usernames.

If you have co-authors from IU, match their name to their IU user account.

Match IU coauthors.


Step 9. Edit imported items.

Some data elements cannot be imported from ORCID. For example, you will need to edit individual items to identify an "Area" (e.g., "Teaching").

Edit imported items.



If you have any questions about this process or need help importing your references to Activity Insight, please contact the Center for Digital Scholarship: