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Professional Perspectives

This guide supports BUS X220 Professional Perspectives


General Databases

General (interdisciplinary) databases contain articles from the sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities. They are a great place to start your research.

Subject Databases

We have hundreds of subject-specific databases, check them out for more focused information on your topic.

Career Research

Current Issues in Society

All users, both on-campus and off-campus, must login with university credentials.  


IUCAT - Find Books

IUCAT Button

IUCAT is Indiana University's online library catalog. Search it to find items held by the IU Libraries statewide, including books, recordings, US government publications, periodicals, and other types of material. You can access IUCAT from any computer connected to the Internet or at walk-up terminals located throughout the IU Library system.

IUCAT Quick Search:

Library: IU Indy University Library
  Herron Art Library