Site analysis is about researching the area around a real estate site. It is gathering consumer demographics, business statistics, and traffic counts within a set geographic area.
When doing site analysis you want to consider where things are today and how they may change in the future. The resources to help with this analysis are backwards looking. To be forward looking you may want to reach out to local government planning offices to understand if there are major building projects or infrastructure projects that may impact the real estate site in the future.
Types of site information you may be looking for:
Traffic Counts: Use Demographics Now
Business & Consumer Demographics: Use Demographics Now and BizMiner
Business Competitors: BizMiner, Reference Solutions (formerly ReferenceUSA)
B2B Customers: BizMiner and Reference Solutions
B2C Customers: Reference Solutions and DemographicsNow
As part of site analysis you may need to determine a sales forecast of a business if they build on the site. The Marketing guide may be helpful, specifically the databases IBISWorld, Mintel, Academic and Statista.
You can set radii around a set address (e.g. 1,3,5 miles, or 5, 10, 20 miles, etc) within these databases to find consumer demographics, business statistics, and/or traffic counts.