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Hi there! My name is Caitlin Pike, and I'm the Nursing Librarian. I'm assigned specifically to your school, and I'm happy to help you with any and all research needs you may have. All of my contact information is on the left, so please don't hesitate to call or email me with any questions.
I have tried to divide up the resources in a logical way, but please know that they are not comprehensive. If you are having trouble finding specific information, or if you'd like me to double-check what you've found, please let me know.
As always, if you spend more than ten minutes looking for something, contact a librarian!
Caitlin Pike
(317) 274-2885
Library Office: UL 3115N
When the Nursing Librarian is not available, use this page to begin your search. Through the tabs, you will find helpful information for finding articles, books, journals, reference materials, and more.
If you are experiencing difficulty connecting to a library resource, need assistance with Canvas or Interlibrary Loan, contact the University Library Reference Desk in any of the following ways:
If you would like to schedule a meeting to receive research help from Caitlin Pike or ask her a question, use her contact information on the left side of this page.