Welcome to day 1 of the Research Impact Challenge. Today we are going to focus on ORCID iD.
ORCID iD is a free, unique, persistent identifier that serves as a researcher's online profile. It will help distinguish you from other researchers across disciplines, activities, affiliations, and time. Using ORCID enhances the findability of your publications and your research data and raises the visibility of your research outlets.
You can use your ORCID in your personal and institutional website, in your email signature, and social media account. It is often required in grant submissions and by publishers during manuscript submissions.
Keeping your ORCID iD profile up to date saves time later with the ability to link and share your information with other systems such as Pivot, Digital Measures Activity Insight (DMAI), MyNCBI, ResearcherID, and Scopus Author ID. This will save you time and reduce the risk of errors in the references of your papers.
Links to instructions and resources: