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LibCal My Scheduler for UL Librarians

Viewing and Cancelling Appointments

Via the availability calendar

You can use the availability calendar to navigate between weeks and months.

  1. Use the Back () and Forward () buttons to navigate between weeks.
  2. Click on the current week to launch the date picker. When you select a date, you'll be taken to the corresponding week where that date falls.
  3. All time slots with confirmed appointments will be colored red. Click on an appointment slot to view its details
  4. If you need to cancel this appointment, click on the  Cancel Appointment button.

Example of navigating the availability calendar

Example of viewing an appointment's details

Via the schedule view

You can also view your entire agenda for each day using the schedule view.

  1. Use the Back () and Forward () buttons to navigate between dates.
  2. Each appointment will display a summary, including the patron's info, the date & time, and the location (if the time slot had a location set).
  3. To view additional info for the appointment, click on the View Details button. This will display the appointment category (if appointment categories were enabled by your admin), custom booking form responses, internal notes, and when the appointment was submitted.
  4. To return to the list of appointments, click on the  Show Day Schedule button.
  5. If you need to cancel this appointment, click on the  Cancel Appointment button.

Example of navigating the daily appointment schedule