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American Studies


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IUCAT is Indiana University's online library catalog. Search it to find items held by the IU Libraries statewide, including books, recordings, US government publications, periodicals, and other types of material. You can access IUCAT from any computer connected to the Internet or at walk-up terminals located throughout the IU Library system.

IUCAT Quick Search:

Library: IU Indy University Library
  Herron Art Library

Found a Book at University Library, Now What?

When you want to find an item on the Library shelves:

University Library and many other academic libraries use the Library of Congress Classification System and Call Numbers, not the Dewey Decimal System that you may have seen at your local public library.

At the bottom of an IUCAT record, you will see the call number and basic location for the item as shown in this example:

Indpls - IUPUI University Library (I-UNIVLIB) Location
P90 .G354 2006 (this is the call number) 1) Stacks

If the location for an item in the University Library collection says "Stacks" the item will be on the:

  • 3rd floor shelves if the call number starts with the letters A-N
  • 4th floor shelves if the call number starts with the letters P-Z

Reference materials, Current Periodicals, Microforms, and Government Documents are all in the Reference Room on the 2nd floor.

IUPUI's Philanthropic Studies Library is on the 2nd floor.

DVDs are kept behind the Circulation desk on the 2nd floor.

Special Collections are on the Lower Level

Library Maps

When you want to view an e-book:

Click on the link in the IUCAT record. For a demonstration, see the Viewing e-books Tutorial or ask for Reference Help.


If you are looking for full-text books that can be accessed and read online, then e-books are for you. Most of our e-books can be found by title in our catalog, IUCAT, but they can also be accessed or browsed directly in the database through which they are provided.