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Bloomberg Professional set up, certification, and tips/tricks

Bloomberg Keyboard

Bloomberg Keyboard

Red Keys

Yellow Keys

Green Keys

Conn/DFT: Use to log in
Cancel: Use to abort action
<CMDTY>: Commodities, futures, options, spot rates - F9
<CORP>: Corporate Debt - F3
<CRNCY>: Spots, futures, options, forex on over 100 currencies - F11
<EQUITY>: ADRs, mutual funds, rights, stocks, options, warrants - F8
<GOVT>: Worldwide sovereign and agency securities - F2
<INDEX>: Global equity indices, economic indices - F10
<LAW>: Legal, regulatory and compliance information - F12
<M-MKT>: Continuously issued and short-term dated paper - F5
<MTGE>: Mortgage markets instruments - F4

<MUNI>: U.S. municipality issued debt - F6


Another way to access these functions without hitting the shortcut key: Type the code withing <> and hit Enter/Go.

For instance type CORP then hit Go to access Corporate debt information.

ENTER/GO: Activates all commands
MENU: Go back one level
PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN: Navigate between pages

Exporting to Excel

Note: Not all data can be exported

There are two ways to get Bloomberg data into Excel:

  1. Export from Bloomberg into Excel. This exporting capability is limited to certain data elements within Bloomberg. When this function is available it will be listed under OPTIONS or ACTIONS, not export. 
    • If under OPTIONS, click on options, then download to Excel.
    • If under ACTIONS, click on Export to Excel, select the rows you desire to export, then click Download on the red bar.
  2. Search directly from the  Excel that is loaded on the workstation. Open up Excel first, click on Bloomberg, then import data. A new screen will open where you enter your data selections. Note: This requires Excel Add-In to be installed.

Installing Excel Add-In

There are instructions on how to add the Excel Add-In located next to or on the Bloomberg terminals. If you have any issues installing the Add-In please let the library information desk know.