Red Keys |
Yellow Keys |
Green Keys |
Conn/DFT: Use to log in
Cancel: Use to abort action |
<CMDTY>: Commodities, futures, options, spot rates - F9
<CORP>: Corporate Debt - F3
<CRNCY>: Spots, futures, options, forex on over 100 currencies - F11
<EQUITY>: ADRs, mutual funds, rights, stocks, options, warrants - F8
<GOVT>: Worldwide sovereign and agency securities - F2
<INDEX>: Global equity indices, economic indices - F10
<LAW>: Legal, regulatory and compliance information - F12
<M-MKT>: Continuously issued and short-term dated paper - F5
<MTGE>: Mortgage markets instruments - F4
<MUNI>: U.S. municipality issued debt - F6
Another way to access these functions without hitting the shortcut key: Type the code withing <> and hit Enter/Go. For instance type CORP then hit Go to access Corporate debt information. |
ENTER/GO: Activates all commands
MENU: Go back one level
PAGE UP/PAGE DOWN: Navigate between pages
Note: Not all data can be exported.
There are two ways to get Bloomberg data into Excel:
There are instructions on how to add the Excel Add-In located next to or on the Bloomberg terminals. If you have any issues installing the Add-In please let the library information desk know.