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How to Research in the Archives

A guide to help with archival research.

Ask an Archivist Reference Request

If you’ve tried researching our collection finding aids but can’t find what you’re looking for or are unsure of where to look next, you can send your questions to IU Indianapolis Special Collections by using the Ask an Archivist Reference Request Form.

Response time is dependent upon the availability of archives staff.

Staff members cannot undertake extensive research but will, within reasonable limits, provide information from or about the archive holdings.

990-PF Request

Our Historical Form 990-PF collection consists of over 1.7 million federal tax filings of private foundations from 1971-1997.  Included in each filing are detailed statements of assets, receipts, and grant disbursements of individual foundations. 

This collection does not include the regular 990, 990-N, or 990-EZ forms filed by public charities or other nonprofit organizations. 

Due to the large size of this collection, a detailed index of the holdings is not available

For more information or to fill out a request form, visit our Historical Form 990-PF Request page.

Online Photograph Collections

Portions of several archival collections from all collecting areas (University, Philanthropy, German American, and General) are available 24/7 through the IU Indianapolis University Library Digital Collections.


Our eArchives houses digital materials collected by IUPUI Special Collections from all of our collecting repositories (University, Philanthropy, German-American, General).  Some of the documents on eArchives are in PDF format and can be viewed online.  The rest of the documents are available to download and view on a personal computer.


PRO: Philanthropy Resources Online is a digital library of primary and secondary sources that supports teaching and learning about philanthropy and the nonprofit sector.

The PRO collection is made up of images of pages in books, journals, and pamphlets. The text in the images has been extracted and the collection has full-text searching. 


FOLIO (Foundation Literature Online) houses foundation-sponsored research reports and publications covering the full scope of philanthropy activity.  The documents are in PDF format and can be viewed online or downloaded and viewed on a personal computer.