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PBHL-S500 Social & Behavioral Science in Public Health

Search Strategies for Finding Programs in Library Databases

This video will show you how to search multiple library databases at once to find evidence-based programs on your topic.

Public health information tends to be multi-disciplinary, meaning you'll often need to search several databases geared toward different disciplines. For example, if you are designing a program to educate families about the signs and symptoms of depression, you may end up searching PubMed or Medline (biomedical), PsycINFO (psychology), ERIC (education), and Family Studies Abstracts (sociology). 


Note that the website looks different in this video, but the searching process is the same.

Tips for finding scholarly articles on programs:


When you are searching for a specific program:

  • Use quotes around the name of the program when you are searching. Example: "Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit"
  • Use Google Scholar or Google if you are struggling to find any information about a particular program. Google Scholar/Google will sometimes locate grey literature and program evaluation reports that may not be in library databases. 


When you are searching for any programs that address a particular population or issue:

  • Search for systematic reviews that summarize and synthesize evidence for programs addressing particular conditions or populations. Use the reference list to identify articles about particular programs.
  • Search strategy for programs/interventions (copy/paste into database search): program* or intervention* or initiative* or strateg* or policy

Databases to Find Scholarly Articles on Programs