This guide is designed to be used by RLML librarians as a template for Departmental LibGuides. [Links to the individual guide pages w/short descriptions are added below]
[SUGGESTION: In this box (on the HOME page), provide an overview of the Departmental guide. "This allows users to see a brief description of each page before clicking on it. This is especially useful for screen reader users, which don’t have the benefit of scanning the page and quickly correcting if they end up in the wrong place." (G. Maixner, 2/7/19 email)
If you are short on time, these resources are your best bet for this topic.
[SUGGESTION: On the Home Page, provide a "Best Bets"/Quick Links box, so users who need less direction can get to the resources more quickly. For more on this, consult Springshare's 2016 blog article. Include 3-5 links to various types of resources.]
[SUGGESTION: Consider creating a PubMed search on your topic and adding an RSS Feed like the one above.]
Here are the directions:
FYI: There are four mapped boxes in this template. They are:
Copy this box, do not map.
Delete the irrelevant CC license, only use one.
Enter your name and link to your email for authorship of guide. If you do not wish to claim authorship, you can put Ruth Lilly Medical Library.
It is recommended to make this a "floating box".
This work is by [Creator 1-link to email] and [creator 2-link to email] and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This work is by [Creator 1-link to email] and [creator 2-link to email] and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.