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DynaMedex - How To Guide

Short videos and help sheets to make the transition to DynaMedex at IU School of Medicine.

Download app

  1. Access DynaMedex through Ruth Lilly Medical Library's website & create a DynaMedex account. (You may need to authenticate.)
  2. Using your phone, go to: to download the DynaMedex app on iOS or Android device 
  3. Click on the Sign In bar.
  4. Login with the DynaMedex username and password created in Step #1 (above). 
  5. Choose how much of DynaMedex you want to install on your phone It will depend on how good your Internet access is when using DynaMedex: 
  • Online Only (144 MB)
  • Partial Install (905 MB)
  • Full Install (2 GB)

Searching for Condition and Drug information (Android view)

Mobile:  Searching for conditions (25 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Either type a condition in the search box or touch the microphone to say the condition.
  2. Click on the relevant condition in the drop-down menu.
  3. For a list of specific sub-topics, click on the 3 bulleted lines in the lower right-hand corner.


Mobile: Drug interactions (43 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Click on the MicroMedex icon:  two speech bubbles on the right-hand side of the search box.
  2. Click on the “hamburger” icon in the upper left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Click: Drug Interactions.
  4. Type at least one drug.
  5. Click on the relevant drop-down link.
  6. Click: Done
  7. Repeat for as many drugs as you like.
  8. When finished adding drugs, click:  View Interactions
  9. Click on the “carrot” icon next to the most relevant option.
  10. For in-depth information, click: View Detail link.


Mobile: Drug adverse effects (30 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Either type a drug in the search box or touch the microphone to say the drug name.
  2. Click on the relevant link in the drop-down menu.  (Hint: Try to find a link from “Drug Monograph”.)
  3. For the Table of Contents, click on the 3 bulleted lines in the lower right-hand corner.
  4. Click: “carrot” icon next to Medication Safety.
  5. Click: Adverse Effects
  6. Scroll through for information.
  7. Click: IN-DEPTH answers for detailed information.


Mobile: Drug dosing (37 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Either type a drug in the search box or touch the microphone to say the drug name.
  2. Click on the relevant link in the drop-down menu.  (Hint: Try to find a link from “Drug Monograph”.)
  3. Often, the default is Adult Dosing. For more options, click on the Table of Contents which are the 3 bulleted lines in the lower right-hand corner.
  4. Click: “carrot” icon next to Dosing/Administration.
  5. Click on an option you are interested in, such as Pediatric Dosing
  6. Click: IN-DEPTH answers for detailed information.
  7. From IN-DEPTH answers, click on the Table of Contents (3 bulleted lines in the lower right-hand corner).
  8. Click on the “carrot” icon next to your desired option.

Buttons (iOS view)

Left-hand side of screen, view of DynaMedex mobile screen with arrows pointing to: Main Search Bar, Micromedex Assistant for Rx, and Voice Search. Right-hand side:  1) Use your voice through your phone's keyboard OR through Dynamic Health Voice Search 2) Basic search terms NOT sentences

Accessibility - Change text size (Android view)

Mobile: Change text size (24 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Click on hamburger icon in upper left of screen.
  2. Click on: Settings
  3. Click on: Topic Text Size
  4. Use the slider at the bottom of the screen to increase & decrease the text size.

Accessibility - Change screen from light to dark (Android view)

Mobile: Adjust screen - light/dark (24 seconds - NO AUDIO)

  1. Click on hamburger icon in upper left of screen.
  2. Click on: Settings
  3. Click on: Dark Mode
  4. Click on:
    1. Light
    2. Dark OR
    3. Follow System