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Library DIY

I Want To Find Books On My Topic

(1) Enter a keyword that describes your topic.
In the library catalog IUCAT, it is usually best to keep your search simple.      

Examples: bilingual education; gothic architecture; greek utopias; cochlear implants.

(2) Review the search results page for relevant items. The results page includes basic information on an item like title, publication date, format, and campuses that have the item.

Screenshot of IUCAT results(3) If you only want books you can access immediately, limit the campus to Indianapolis. If a book isn't in Indianapolis, you can still get it. Click on the title to get more information on the book, then click Request This to have the book delivered to IU Indianapolis.

screenshot of campus limit option in IUCAT

(4) When you find a relevant book, click on the Title to see the full record. 

Screenshot of IUCAT results

(5) The full catalog record includes subject headings that describe what a book is about. To find more books with the same heading click on that heading.

screenshot of record in IUCAT with subject headings and call number highlighted

(6) Write down call numbers of relevant books (or text them to your phone through IUCAT).

Note: Books are organized on the shelves by subject, so when you find a book on the shelf browse the section for other relevant books.

Your catalog search may include items with call numbers from more than one area, so you may want to browse more than just one area.