The History of Medicine Collection includes rare and early print books, bulletins, reports, periodicals, and other publications on various topics and in multiple languages ranging in date from 1542 to the present.
All of the following collection statistics were current as of July 2020.
Publications By Date (Century)
The History of Medicine Collection includes a significant number of medical instruments including microscopes, stethoscopes, surgical kits, and other artifacts documenting the history of medical practice from the 18th century to the present.
The majority of these artifacts can be found in two collections:
Some of these artifacts have been digitized using 3D scanning technology and can be viewed in the History of Medicine 3D Exhibit Gallery.
The History of Medicine Collection his home to a variety of primary sources including archival records, manuscripts, and personal papers created by Indiana University School of Medicine faculty and alumni, researchers, professional organizations, advocates, and practitioners in the medical and health care professions.
The finding aids (collection guides) describing the contents of these collections can be viewed in Indiana University's Archives Online database.
To view a brief video tutorial on how to search IU Archives Online, visit:
Select archival materials from the History of Medicine Collection have been digitized and made available online in Indiana University's Digital Collections repository.
The majority of audiovisual recordings in the History of Medicine Collection have been digitized and made available for online streaming. Due to copyright restrictions, some resources may require users to log in with their Indiana University credentials to view the content.
Video recordings of dissections and surgical procedures intended for medical student education from the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's History of Medicine Collection and other units within the library. Some of the videos in this collection contain material that may be harmful or traumatizing to some audiences.
Contains historical audio and video recordings from the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's History of Medicine Collection and other units within the library.
Contains recordings of lectures and other presentations on history of medicine and medical humanities topics hosted and/or sponsored by the Ruth Lilly Medical Library and its partner organizations including the John Shaw Billings History of Medicine Society, IUPUI Medical Humanities and Health Studies Program, and the Indiana University School of Medicine's History of Medicine Student Interest Group.
Contains audio recordings of oral history interviews with peer recovery coaches and other professionals conducted for the Indiana Substance Use Disorder Oral History Project (Indiana University IRB Protocol #21774). The goal of the project is to document the ongoing impact of the opioid epidemic on communities across Indiana by capturing the stories of substance use disorder survivors, family members, peer recovery coaches, treatment providers, health professionals, public officials, and other individuals using a combination of narrative medicine and oral history documentary techniques.
To locate books, journals, artifacts, and audiovisual recordings from the History of Medicine Collection in IUCat, use the Advanced Catalog Search feature and limit the results by selecting "Ruth Lilly Medical Library (IUPUI) - History of Medicine" under Collection on the left side of the screen.
PubMed contains citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books (1946-present). To locate articles, reviews, and other resources on history of medicine topics, include the MeSH subject heading "History of Medicine" along with your search term (e.g., "psychiatry") in the query.
Alternatively, to retrieve additional results, you can include the MeSH subheading "History" along with your search term (e.g., "psychiatry") in the query.