Indicate whether specialized tools are needed to access or manipulate shared scientific data to support replication or reuse, and name(s) of the needed tool(s) and software. If applicable, specify how needed tools can be accessed.
For best practices on sharing research software, consult the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy's FAQ, which also includes a list of working groups.
We use the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) Files standard (, so we use the Open Microscopy Environment (OME) Bio-Formats tool (
We use ChemDraw ( to document pathways and reactions.
We use NVivo 13 (QSR, to code and analyze interview transcripts.
IU Libraries provide support for researchers seeking NIH-funding. We are actively monitoring updates and guidance available from the NIH, as well as the IU Research Data Management Plan Working Group. We will continue to update the information here to reflect those changes. Our support includes:
We will also connect you with other experts across IU who can help you submit the best DMS Plan possible. We are not able to write DMS Plans on behalf of research teams of which we are not members.
To request a consultation, contact the data librarian for your campus or school: