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Literature Review - A Self-Guided Tutorial

A self-guided tutorial that walks you through the process of conducting a Literature Review.

Manage your references

Manage Your References

As part of your lit review, you'll need to provide a list of references -- your professors want to know where you found your information. 

Your professor will also require that you use a specific format ("style") for citing your references, such as one of these: 


University Library provides an online guide to help you cite your sources correctly in multiple styles.

Why do I have to cite my sources?

Citations are important because:

glasses icon They help others find the information that you used.


thumbs up They help establish the credibility of your own research.


computer icon

They connect your work to the work of other scholars.


dialogue icon It is one way that scholars enter into a dialogue with each other.


diploma icon It is a way to honor and acknowledge the work of others who have made your own research possible.

Citation styles

There are many different formats for citing the sources you use in your research. Here are a few.

Format Discipline
Modern Language Association
American Psychological Association
Social Science
Council of Science Editors
Life Sciences
Physical Sciences
Chicago Manual of Style
Social Sciences
Regardless of format, you must include the same basic bibliographic information for a citation.



Citation Management Tools

Citation management tools allow you to keep citations, full-text articles, and other research resources organized in one place. These tools can also be used to format your bibliographies and the citations in your papers according to the appropriate style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.) To use these tools, you should be familiar with the target citation style in order to input information correctly and notice any errors in your bibliography. Please contact a subject librarian for further assistance.

End Note

EndNote is software that helps manage citations for bibliographies. Includes an add-in for Microsoft Word. For questions about EndNote, please contact your subject librarian.


Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. It includes a Microsoft Word plug-in and web importer. For questions about Mendeley, please contact Rachel Hinrichs, the Mendeley specialist librarian, or your subject librarian.


Zotero is a free Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. It includes an add-in for Microsoft Word. For questions, please contact your subject librarian.