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Searching for Articles on Social Determinants of Health

Searching for the social determinants of health (SDoH) is no small task. There are so many determinants of health and potential keywords for each one that developing a search can quickly become overwhelming and yield thousands if not millions of results.

How do you develop a good search for social determinants of health? 

  1. Use the table below to select particular domains and dimensions of SDoH that are relevant to your question. It is unlikely that all of the concepts listed below will be relevant to every topic.
  2. For comprehensive searches, use both general/unspecified terms AND search terms related to specific SDoH that are relevant to your question.
  3. For narrow searches, you could try searching only the general/unspecified terms below. This will miss articles on specific factors, but will give you a decently narrowed search. You could also search for only the SDoH domains or dimensions that are relevant to your question (e.g., socioeconomic status). 
  4. Select a particular SDoH framework to base your search on (see some example frameworks below).
  5. Talk to your librarian! 

NOTE: This list is not comprehensive, and many of these concepts are closely related. Use your own judgement for whether or not to include a term in your search.

Social Determinants of Health Domains and Search Terms

Quick links to SDoH domains (based on Healthy People 2030)

Domain Dimension Suggested Keyword Terms Suggested Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) (PubMed)
General/Unspecified Determinants of Health

determinants of health, economic determinants, social determinants, socioeconomic determinants, structural determinants

drivers of inequity, social drivers, structural drivers

social factors, socioeconomic factors

"Social Determinants of Health"[MeSH]

"Sociodemographic Factors"[Mesh]

"Socioeconomic Factors"[Mesh]

General/Unspecified Health Disparities/Equity

disparity, disparities, disparate, equity, equities, inequity, inequities

disadvantaged populations, sensitive populations, underserved patients, underserved populations, vulnerable populations

"Gender Equity"[Mesh]

"Healthcare Disparities"[Mesh]

"Health Disparate Minority and Vulnerable Populations"[Mesh]

"Health Equity"[Mesh]

"Health Inequities"[Mesh] 

“Health Status Disparities"[Mesh]

"Socioeconomic Disparities in Health"[Mesh]

"Vulnerable Populations"[Mesh]

Economic Stability Basic Needs

childcare, child care


electric, gas, utilities

internet access, phone, web access

"Cell Phone"[Mesh]

"Child Care"[Mesh]


"Digital Divide"[Mesh]

"Internet Access"[Mesh]

Economic Stability Employment Status

employed, employment, occupational status, underemployed, underemployment, unemployed, unemployment

job insecurity, job loss, job security


"Job Security"[Mesh]


Economic Stability Financial Resources and Assistance

assistance program, food stamps, Medicaid, public assistance, subsidies, subsidy

impoverished, indigency, indigent, low income, low socioeconomic status, low economic status, poor people, poverty, social deprivation, social disadvantage, working poor

"Low Socioeconomic Status"[Mesh]


"Medical Indigency"[Mesh]


"Public Assistance"[Mesh]

"Social Deprivation"[Mesh]

"Working Poor"[Mesh]

Economic Stability

Housing Instability

homeless, homelessness, houseless, ill-housed, unhoused

couch surfing, eviction, housing affordability, housing availability, housing cost, housing insecurity, housing instability, overcrowding, residential instability

"Housing Instability"[Mesh]

"Ill-Housed Persons"[Mesh]

Economic Stability Socioeconomic Status

economic resources, economic status

income, pay equity, pay inequity, salary, wealth

living standard, standard of living

SES, socio-economic, sociodemographic, socioeconomic

social class, social gradient

"Economic Status"[Mesh]


"Low Socioeconomic Status"[Mesh]

"Social Class"[Mesh]

"Social Conditions'[Mesh]

"Socioeconomic Factors"[Mesh]

Economic Stability

Working Conditions

absenteeism, job stress, occupational health, occupational stress, workload

family leave, flexible work, maternal leave, parental leave, sick leave, work-family balance, work-life balance, work-life conflict

job satisfaction, work environment, working conditions, workplace conditions, workplace environment, work satisfaction

precarious employment, precarious work, precarity 

workplace abuse, workplace bullying


"Family Leave"[Mesh]

"Job Satisfaction"[Mesh]

"Job Security"[Mesh]

"Occupational Health"[Mesh]

"Occupational Stress"[Mesh]

"Shift Work Schedule"[Mesh]

"Sick Leave"[Mesh]

"Work-Life Balance"[Mesh]

"Working Conditions"[Mesh]

"Work Schedule Tolerance"[Mesh]


Neighborhood and Built Environment Environmental Conditions

Air quality, particulate matter

environmental exposure, exposome

natural amenities, natural amenity index, natural environment

passive smoking, second-hand smoking

pollutants, pollution


water insecurity, water quality, water scarcity, water security, water shortage

"Environmental Pollution"[Mesh]

"Particulate Matter"[Mesh]


"Water Insecurity"[Mesh]

Neighborhood and Built Environment

Geographic Area

inner city, inner cities, remote area, rural, rurality, slums, suburban, urban

developing country, developing nation, LMIC, low and middle income countries, low income country, middle income country, underdeveloped country, underdeveloped nation

"Developing Countries"[Mesh]

"Rural Health Services"[Mesh]

"Rural Health"[Mesh] 

"Rural Population"[Mesh]

"Suburban Health"[Mesh]

"Urban Health Services"[Mesh] 

"Urban Health"[Mesh]

"Urban Population"[Mesh]

Neighborhood and Built Environment Food Access

access to food, access to healthy food, food access, food accessibility, food availability

affordable food, affordable healthy food

famine, starvation, food shortage

food deserts, food environment, food swamps

food insecurity, food rationing, food scarcity, food security

"Access to Healthy Foods"[Mesh]


"Food Deserts"[Mesh]

"Food Insecurity"[Mesh]

"Food Security"[Mesh]


Neighborhood and Built Environment Housing Quality

adequate housing, home environment, housing circumstances, housing conditions, housing quality, housing situation, housing standards, unsafe housing, unsafe homes, unstable housing, unstable homes, inadequate housing

crowding, over-crowding, overcrowding

damp housing, housing insulation, housing mold, indoor air pollution, indoor air quality, indoor exposure, indoor pollutants, indoor pollution

"Air Pollution, Indoor"[Mesh]

"Home Environment"[Mesh]

"Housing Quality"[Mesh] 

Neighborhood and Built Environment Living Arrangements

cohabitation, crowding, family size, household size, living alone, one person household, overcrowding

home environment, living arrangements, living conditions, living situation, residence characteristics

group home, multifamily residences


"Home Environment"[Mesh]

"Residence Characteristics"[Mesh]

Neighborhood and Built Environment Neighborhood Environment

built environment, neighborhood amenities, neighborhood characteristics, neighborhood design, neighborhood disadvantage, neighborhood effect, neighborhood environment, neighborhood features, residence characteristics

fitness facilities, greenspace, greenways, healthy places, hiking trails, parks, playground, recreation facilities, walkability, walking trails

*Also consider British spelling neighbourhood.

"Built Environment"[Mesh]

"Community Resources"[Mesh]

"Environment Design"[Mesh]

"Residence Characteristics"[Mesh]

Neighborhood and Built Environment Transportation

car access, metro, public busing, public transit, public transportation, subway, vehicle access, transportation

Health and Health Care Access Access to Health Care

access to care, access to health care, access to healthcare, access to primary care, availability of health services, health care access, healthcare access, primary care access, accessibility of health services

access to contraception, contraception access

access to medication, access to medicine, medication access, medicine access

access to therapy, access to treatment

"Health Services Accessibility"[Mesh]
Health and Health Care Access Behavioral and Mental Health

alcohol use, cigarettes, drug abuse, drug use, smoking, substance abuse, substance use, tobacco use

anxiety, depression, mental disorder, mental health, mental illness, psychiatric disease, psychiatric illness, psychological comorbidities, psychosocial factors

behavioral health, social-behavioral health

body mass index, dietary intake, obesity, physical activity, weight loss, dietary patterns

sleep duration, sleep quality

*This is very broad category that will need careful consider of what particular behavioral and mental health conditions and general terms you want to include.



"Dietary Patterns"[Mesh]


"Healthy Lifestyle"[Mesh] 

"Life Style"[Mesh]

"Mental Disorders"[Mesh] 


"Sedentary Behavior"[Mesh] 


"Substance-Related Disorders"[Mesh]

Health and Health Care Access Disability Status

blind people, blind person, blindness, people who are blind, visually impaired

deaf, hard-of-hearing, hearing impairment

developmental disabilities, developmental disability, development disorder, developmental delay disorder

disabilities, disability, disabled, handicapped

intellectual disabilities, intellectual disability, mental retardation

learning disabilities, learning disability, learning disorder

*Also consider including specific types of disabilities (e.g., Down Syndrome)

"Developmental Disabilities"[Mesh]

"Disabled Persons"[Mesh]

"Intellectual Disability"[Mesh]

"Learning Disabilities"[Mesh]

Health and Health Care Access Insurance Status health coverage, insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, payer type, underinsured, uninsured

"Medically Uninsured"[Mesh]




Education Educational Status

degree earned, education level, educational achievement, educational attainment, educational status, level of education

father's education, maternal education, mother's education, paternal education

better educated, highly educated, less educated

"Educational Status"[Mesh]
Education Literacy

literacy, illiteracy, illiterate, literate

health literacy, insurance literacy, medication literacy, patient drug knowledge, patient knowledge, patient medication knowledge

"Health Literacy"[Mesh]


"Patient Medication Knowledge"[Mesh]

Social and Community Context Adverse Childhood Experiences

abandonment, parental abuse, parental neglect

adolescent trauma, adverse childhood experiences, childhood trauma, early life stress, traumatic childhood

divorce, parental separation

exposure to violence, exposure to war, war exposure, wartime exposure, violence exposure

maternal incarceration, parental incarceration, paternal incarceration

father's death, mother's death, parental death

parental substance use, parental alcoholism, parental drug use

"Adverse Childhood Experiences"[Mesh]


"Exposure to Violence"[Mesh]

"Parental Death"[Mesh]

"War Exposure"[Mesh]

Social and Community Context Culture

acculturation, cultural assimilation, cultural background, cultural characteristics, cultural diversity, cultural factors, cultural pluralism, cultural relativism, culture, customs, ethnic boundary maintenance, multiculturalism, pluralism


"Cultural Characteristics"[Mesh]

"Cultural Diversity"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context

Discrimination ageism, homophobia, implicit bias, marginalization, prejudice, racism, sexism, stereotype, stereotyping, stigma, xenophobia, discrimination


"Social Discrimination"[Mesh]

"Social Marginalization"[Mesh]

"Social Stigma"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context

Gender and Sexual Minorities (LGBT)

asexual, asexuality, bisexual, bisexuality, gay, homosexual, homosexuality, lesbian, sexual minority, sexual orientation

gender diverse, gender fluidity, gender identity, gender minority, gender non-conforming, man, men, non-binary, nonbinary, queer, transfeminine, transgender, transgenderism, transman, transmasculine, transmen, transpeople, transperson, transsexual, transsexualism, transwoman, transwomen, two-spirit, woman, women


female, intersex, male

men who have sex with men, women who have sex with women


"Gender-Nonconforming Persons"[Mesh]


"Intersex Persons"[Mesh]

"Sexual and Gender Minorities"[Mesh]

"Transgender Persons"[Mesh]



Social and Community Context

Immigration/Migrant Status

asylum seekers, displaced persons, refugees

emigrants, foreigners, immigrants

migrants, nomads, transients

"Emigrants and Immigrants"[Mesh]


"Transients and Migrants"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context Language & Communication Barriers

communication barrier, digital divide

English proficiency, language barrier, language proficiency, primary language, sign language, foreign language, household language

"Communication Barriers"[Mesh]

"Digital Divide"[Mesh]


"Limited English Proficiency"[Mesh]

"Sign Language"[Mesh] 

Social and Community Context Legal/Incarceration Status

arrest history, arrest record, crime record, criminal record,

community supervision, parole, probation

correctional, corrections

criminal justice, justice involved, legal involved, legal system

incarcerated, incarceration, jail, prisoner, prison




"Juvenile Delinquency"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context Marital Status

consensual union, divorce, intermarriage, marital relationships, marital status, marriage, married, never married, polygamy, polygny, separated, single person, unmarried, widow, widower, widowhood


"Marital Status"[Mesh]


"Single Person"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context

Race and Ethnicity

*Many of the following terms are based on U.S. census population groups. There are many more possible terms both for U.S. population groups and global population groups. How specific or broad you want to search depends on your research question and project scope.

African Americans, Afro-Americans, Alaska Native, American Indians, American Natives, Amish, Arab Americans, Asian Americans, Black, Black Americans, Cambodian Americans, Caucasian, Chinese Americans, Eskimos, Filipino Americans Pacific Islanders, First Nation, Hispanic, Hmong Americans, Indian Americans, indigenous, Inuit, Japanese Americans, Korean Americans, Latina, Latino, Latinx, Native Americans, Native Hawaiians, non-white, Palestinian Americans, Vietnamese Americans, white

ethnic, ethnic minority, ethnicity, race, racial, racial minority

*Many of the following terms are U.S. census population groups. There are other MeSH terms available for non-U.S. population groups.

"American Indian or Alaska Native"[Mesh] 


"Black or African American"[Mesh] 


"Hispanic or Latino"[Mesh]

"Minority Groups"[Mesh]

"Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander"[Mesh] 

"Population Groups, US"[Mesh]

"Racial Groups"[Mesh] 


Social and Community Context Religion

Religion, religious, spiritual, spirituality, theology

Buddhism, Buddhist, Christianity, Christian, Hinduism, Hindu, Islam, Muslim, Judaism, Jewish

Social and Community Context Sex and Gender

boy, gender, gender non-conforming, girl, man, men, non-binary, nonbinary, woman, women

female, intersex, male, sex


"Gender Equity"[Mesh]

"Gender Identity"[Mesh] 

"Gender Role"[Mesh] 

"Gender-Nonconforming Persons"[Mesh]


"Sex Factors"[Mesh]


Social and Community Context

Social Connections

community support, family support, psychosocial support, social connections, social contact, social support, support group, support network, support systems

isolation, loneliness, lonely, social exclusion, social inclusion

social capital, social infrastructure


"Social Capital"[Mesh]

"Social Isolation"[Mesh]

"Social Support"[Mesh]

Social and Community Context Veteran Status armed forces personnel, coast guard, marines, military personnel, navy personnel, sailors, soldiers, submariner, submariners, veterans

"Military Health"[Mesh]

"Military Personnel"[Mesh]

"Veterans Health"[Mesh]


Social Determinants of Health Conceptual Frameworks and Models

Resources to Inform Social Determinants of Health Search Strategies