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Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB): Equity Immersion Conference

Welcome: EmpowerED Equity - Make Equity Your Superpower

Hello! Welcome to your custom-curated resource space, created specifically to support the learning and equity journeys of attendees of the 2023 IASB Equity Immersion Conference! More specifically, these resources reflect the focus of the session EmpowerED Equity: Make Equity Your Superpower, which was created to support school district leaders in their comprehensive equity efforts. We hope that these resources will be advantageous to your continued journey!

Photo Gallery

About the Center

The Midwest & Plains Equity Assistance Center (MAP Center) is one of four regional Equity Assistance Centers, funded by the United States Department of Education under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The MAP Center provides technical assistance and training, upon request, in the areas of race, sex, national origin, and religion to public school districts and other responsible governmental agencies to promote equitable educational opportunities and work in the areas of civil rights, equity, and school reform. The Center serves 13 State Educational Agencies, 7,025 Public School Districts, and 11,249,050 Public School Students.

Illinois Report Card: Equity Journey Continuum - Relevant Resources

In response to the Illinois Report Card's work towards supporting learners' access to high-quality education, we at the MAP Center have curated resources to support educators and administrators in this endeavor. Please see the resources below, mirroring the Equity Journey Continuum:

  • Student Learning
  • Learning Conditions
  • Elevating Educators


Student Learning

Learning Conditions

Elevating Educators

Additional Governance, Leadership, and Policy Resources

Connect with the MAP Center!