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BUS X204 Social Media Project

This guide supports sections of BUS X204 Business Communication working on the social media project.

Most Popular Business Article Databases

These are good places to start your research.

What type of journal?

  Popular Magazines/News Trade/Professional Scholarly/Academic
Purpose To inform and entertain To apply information; to provide professional support To communicate research and scholarly ideas
Author Journalists, Freelance writers, Essayists, Bloggers Practitioners in the industry and field, occasionally scholars translating research to practice Scholars and academics at research institutions
Format Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs Trade journals and trade magazines Academic journals
Audience General public

Practitioners in the field [Note: useful to students researching application and professional practice]

Other scholars, students researching the latest research
Frequency Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly Weekly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annual Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annual
Examples Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Economist, Time, Buzzfeed AdAge, Harvard Business Review, Oil & Gas Journal

Journal of Accounting Literature, Marketing Research