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INFO H567: IOT Interface Design for Business Innovation

This guide is intended for students enrolled in Lou Lenzi's H567.

Articles for Industry Research

Is this a scholarly, trade, or popular journal?

Business journals (newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals) can fall into three categories. How do you tell them apart?

  Popular Professional/Trade Scholarly/Academic
Purpose To inform and entertain the reader To apply information; to provide professional support To communicate research and scholarly ideas
Audience General Public Practitioners in the field or industry Other scholars, students
Characteristics Short articles summarizing research/issues May have short articles summarizing issues, as well as in depth features. Long articles; in-depth coverage of research/study
  Few, if any, bibliographic references Few bibliographic references Many bibliographic references
  Many ads and photos Some industry/professional focused ads. Amount of photography/graphics vary Few ads; few photos unless related to research
  Issued daily, weekly, or monthly Usually issued monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually Often issued quarterly, semi-annually, or annualy
Examples Fortune, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal Harvard Business Review, Oil & Gas Journal Journal of Accounting Literature