University Library and the English Department have collaborated in creating the following tutorials for students in English Writing EAP. They are designed to give you an introductory understanding of three important parts of the research process:
Please watch the three tutorials below in order. These tutorials will help gain the research skills you need to succeed at IUPUI and beyond.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact your instructor or me.
Please start with the first tutorial, Words and Keywords. It will explain how to turn ideas into keywords for searching. For captions, please watch the video on YouTube.
Watch the second tutorial "Information Containers" after the first one on keywords. The idea of "Containers" is one that the Modern Language Association (MLA) has included in their eighth edition of the MLA Handbook. In this context, it means the larger package (for example, a book or a journal) where your information source (for example, a chapter or article) appears. For more information, borrow the MLA Handbook from University Library's Service & Information Desk.
The third and final tutorial for English W130 EAP is about how to choose "good" information. "Good" information can also be described as authoritative or credible information.