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Supply Chain Management

What needs to be cited?

  • Direct quotes.
  • Paraphrased ideas that you found in a source (book, articles, blogs, etc.)
  • Not commonly known facts.
  • Data that you are using that came from doing research on your project.

Every time you refer to a resource in the text you must provide an in-text citation or a footnote/endnote depending on your citation style.

If you use an article more than once there should be multiple citations in the text.

Citation Styles

There are many different "styles" you may choose from when citing sources. Your professor will probably tell you which "style" is preferred for your class. MLA (Modern Language Association), Chicago, and APA (American Psychological Association) are three of the most commonly used citation styles, but there are hundreds.

The recommended citation style for most classes at the Kelley School of Business - IUI is Chicago using endnotes. Please refer to the guidelines.

If you need to cite MLA, APA, or Chicago using Author-Date format go to this page.

Citing with Chicago at Kelley-IUPUI

0:37: Difference between MLA, APA, and Chicago
3:03 An introduction to Chicago Manual of Style
4:02 Chicago In-Text Citation Basics
5:37 Formatting Endnotes Page
6:13 Creating a full endnote
7:19 Citing a journal article (newspapers, magazines, trade journals, academic journals)
8:38 Citing a web page
9:48 Citing business databases
12:46 Citing a source multiple times
15:46 Citing interviews, emails, and presentations conducted for your project

How to Cite in Presentations - Endnotes

Chicago Manual of Style Resources

Quick Reference for Endnote Citations using Chicago

Source Type



Page number refers to page referenced. Always provide.
  1. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of  publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.


Indicate the edition you are reading (e.g. Kindle Edition, PDF e-book, etc.). If page numbers are not available you may use another indicator such as chapter, section, etc. Be as specific as you can and still be recognizable.
  1. Rebecca Lemon, Emma Mason, Johnathan Roberts, and Christopher Rowland, ed. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, (West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), 20, PDF e-book.


  1. Rebecca Lemon, Emma Mason, Johnathan Roberts, and Christopher Rowland, ed. The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature, (West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), chap. 2, Kindle Edition.
Journal Article
  1. Mark Frydenberg, “Introducing Big Data Concepts in an Introductory Technology Course,” Information Systems Education Journal 13, no. 5 (September 1, 2015): 12.
Journal Article from Database
  1. Regina Henry and Santosh Venkatraman, “Big Data Analytics the Next Big Learning Opportunity,” Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences 18, no. 2 (2015): 17–29, accessed February 22, 2016, ABI/INFORM Complete, ProQuest.

Newspaper or Popular Magazine Article

(Example shows database)
  1. Tom Coburn, "A Cancer ‘Moonshot’ Needs Big Data." Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition, January 15, 2016, accessed January 29, 2016, A13, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost.
Web Resources
  1. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page,” Publishing Organization or Name of Website in Italics, publication date and/or access date if available, URL.
  2. Keith Carter, “Big Data: What’s the Big Deal?”  National University of Singapore Business School: Think Business, June 03, 2013, accessed October 12, 2015.

Business Databases

Use your judgement. You may have to create your title (example 2) so that your user knows what you were searching. Always look to see if there is an author (analyst).

Provide the database name not the URL.
  1. Andrew Alverez, “Online Grocery Sales in the US. IBISWorld Industry Report OD5085,”July 2016, IBISWorld.
  2. “List of Greek Restaurants in Wake County, NC,” 2015, US Businesses, Reference Solutions.
  3. Bryant Harland, “Attitudes Toward Gaming – US- June 2016”, June 2016, Mintel Academic.

Bloomberg Database

Follow the same guidelines as business databases. Often titles will be the screen name combined with the equity you are researching.

  1. "Financial Analysis for Microsoft US Equity," 2017, accessed May 22, 2017, Bloomberg Terminal.
MRI/Simmons Database

 Quick Report :

  1. “Demographic Profile: Business Purchasers making decisions over $5000 a year,” 2023, Spring 2020 NHCS Adult Study 12-Month, MRI/Simmons..

Crosstab Report:

  1. “Crosstab Report: Time of Day Energy Drink Users Watch Television,” 2023, Spring 2020 NHCS Adult Study 12-Month, MRI/Simmons.

Emails, Interviews, & Lectures (Presentations)

  1. Email sender name, "E-mail with name, title, company, date of email.
  2. Interviewer, "Interview with name, title, company," date of interview.
  3. Presenter, "Title of presentation," date of presentation, URL to Slides.