The following is a list of current print journal subscriptions for Museum Studies. The most recent issues of print journals are located on the 2nd floor in the Current Periodicals section. The call number for older issues follows the journal title. Some links are to electronic access to the journal and others are to publisher tables of contents.
ALHFAM (Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums) Bulletin [S549.U5 L58]
Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals [AM133 .C655]
Curator [QH70 .C8]
Exhibitionist [AM151 .E97]
Journal of Museum Education [AM7 .J687]
Journal of the History of Collections [AM221 .J68]
Muse (Canadian Museum Association) [AM21.A1 M874]
Museum (American Association of Museums; formerly Museum News) [AM1 .A55]
Museum History Journal [AM1 .M63]
Museums and Social Issues [AM7 .M88529]
Museums Journal [AM1 .M7]
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums) [S548.4.U6]
Visitor Studies [AM7 .V5752]