Embedding Kanopy videos into Canvas
You can embed Kanopy video directly into Canvas using a few steps.
Getting the HTML code
1. First, you'll need to locate the title you wish to embed.
2. Click on the Share button found underneath the title.
3. Select the Embed tab, and copy the HTML code that is shown in the box.
Getting the code in Canvas
Once you've gotten the HTML code copied, you'll need to paste it into Canvas.
1. Canvas pages that support the Rich Content Editor are:
- Announcements
- Assignments
- Discussions
- Pages
- Quizzes
- Syllabus
You can embed Kanopy videos on any of these pages.
2. On the page, you will want to select the Insert tab and then the Embed option.
3. This will bring up a box in which you can paste the HTML code you copied and then save the page.