A policy on data sharing typically indicates the ways in which data that underlies scientific results/conclusions (whether published or not) should be made more broadly available to research communities and the general public.
The nature of these policies differ amongst institutions and organizations, but such policies generally align around efforts to promote "open scientific inquiry, [encourage] diversity of analysis and opinion, [and promote] new research..." (NIH Data Sharing Policy and Implementation Guidance, 2012).
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) have several data sharing policies that apply based on funding amount or area of research. Individual NIH institutes may have additional data sharing requirements that apply to investigators and data.
In addition to NIH, other federal funding bodies may require data sharing. Generally, data sharing requirements for federal agencies are paired with broader guidance on public access to research.
An increasing number of non-governmental foundations and philanthropic groups require article/data sharing. The organizations below have article/data sharing policies that apply to research they fund. This list is not comprehensive - if you have questions about whether your funded research is subject to article/data sharing requirements, please reach out to your medical library liaison for assistance.
Journal publishing groups increasingly encourage - and in some cases, require - data sharing as a condition of publication. Again, these data sharing policies vary amongst groups and are frequently dependent on the type of research being conducted. Those listed below are a few of the well-known publishers of IUSM authors.