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Evidence Based Medicine

This page provides information on locating and evaluating literature used to support evidence based practice.

Evidence Pyramid

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These are some of the publication types that are associated with higher levels of evidence. You may want to start at the top of the pyramid and work your way down. However, remember that the pyramid is not the whole story. You should also consider the type of question you are asking.

Publication Types by Question Type: Different study types are suited to different questions. For example:

Most Clinical Questions: Systems, summaries, synopses, syntheses, meta-analyses, systematic reviews
Therapy: Randomized Controlled Trial
Diagnosis: Prospective, blind controlled trial compared to gold standard
Prognosis: Cohort study, case control, case series/case report

Study Design Videos

Videos cover: the basics of the research study designs that are at the top of the evidence pyramid and the basics of observational studies.

Study Designs - The top of the evidence pyramid (6:10 mins)

Study Designs - Observational studies (7:40 mins)

Study Designs