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Covidence - Systematic Review Software

Create an Account with Covidence

What is Covidence?

Covidence is a web-based tool designed to make systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses easier to conduct.

Covidence helps you screen title/abstracts and full-text of articles. It also helps with data extraction. 

Join the IU Covidence account using your IU email. And invite others to join your evidence synthesis from anywhere in the world to easily and efficiently collaborate. 

Using Covidence


Create a Covidence Account - Step by Step Instructions

1. Use above link to create an account using your IU credentials. You can use any of our email domains from any campus in the IU system as long as you create an account using the above link.


2. After using the link above to request a Covidence invitation, go to your email and accept your Covidence invitation:

3. After clicking on the link, you will come to the below page.

  • If you do already have an existing Covidence account and it needs to be linked with the IU account, sign in using your existing account.
  • If you do not have an existing Covidence account, click the sign-up link (circled in the screenshot below). 
  • NOTE: Do not sign in with a Cochrane account; it cannot be linked with institutional accounts. 

Accept your invite webpage


4. If you create a new account: complete the form below using any password you prefer. After that, you should be able to login to your IU Covidence account!

Form to input personal information like name, email address and password