U.S. Demographic data and reports from the national to local level. You can search by city, state, and country. Current year estimates and five-year projections of key demographics.
STATS Indiana provides easy, one-stop access to critical statistics for states, counties, cities and towns, townships, regions, census tracts and more.
Demographic data about who needs help and what kind of help they need in Indiana. This detailed and comprehensive information is compiled and reported to community leaders, service providers and philanthropists to assist in their decision making. These reports on counties and community issues (such as hunger, homelessness or veterans’ needs) are available for download.
Learn about homelessness assistance programs provide funding to States and local governments and nonprofit providers to serve individuals and families across the United States who are affected by homelessness.
Map containing: Community point-in-time counts conducted on a given night in January 2018, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Children and youth who experienced homelessness at any point during the 2016-2017 school year, as reported by public schools to the U.S. Department of Education, and displayed on this map.