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IU Indianapolis University Library Seed Library

University Library's Seed Library

Welcome to IU Indianapolis University Library's Seed Library


To request seeds, visit the Service & Information desk on the second floor of the library.

If you are a faculty or staff member, you can have seeds mailed to your campus address. Send your IU Indianapolis campus address to with up to four types of requested seeds.

To join the Seed Library listserv, contact Alicia Añino at 





About the Seed Library 

The IU Indianapolis University Library Seed library is a collection of heirloom, open-pollinated, non-GMO herb seeds that any user with a Crimson Card; Indiana resident with an IU Libraries Borrower Card or IU Indianapolis University Library Borrower's Card can borrow (IUI faculty, IUI staff, IUI students, Marion County residents and IU affiliates) to place at home for their personal use.

We currently have birdhouse gourd, parsley, pickling cucumber, common sage, and Sweet High Oil basil. There are also limited supplies of peas and hot pepper seeds, from a donation (i.e., no guarantees on open pollination or genetic modification).

The Seed Library is possible through a Greening Grant from the IU Indianapolis Office of Sustainability. 

  birdhouse gourd

basil (with pickling cucumber), July 2022                          birdhouse gourd from Seed Library seeds, October 2022