Thomson Reuters Embargoed Research Collection (Investext) offers authoritative analysis of companies, industries, products and countries from brokerages, investment banks, and research firms including Barclays, Credit Suisse, J.P. Morgan, UBS, and Deutsche Bank. Click Investext tab on Mergent Online to search
Search for company profiles, executives, news, and industry information. Company profiles include business focus, history, competition, SWOT analysis, executive, news coverage, and financial reports. Industry information includes access to market research, industry norms, industry ratios. Access issues? click on "more..." below
There has been an issue at times with accessing D&B Hoovers, especially off campus, due to DUO authentication. Specifically, if people had set their DUO authentication to remember them for seven days, and try to access one of these systems, they may find they cannot gain access to the database in question.
If and when this occurs, we recommend as a best solution to OPEN AN INCOGNITO WINDOW and access the database in that way. This will force the person to reauthenticate in DUO at the time of access and solve the problem.
Provides public and private company information, executive biography and compensation, industry trends and outlook, investment ratings and stock rankings, and analytical tools. CFRA analyst ratings and reports on companies, mutual funds, ETFs as well as industry surveys. NOTE:Requires individual registration for access. To sign up, select“New User?” in the upper right. You will receive an email with a link to register. If you are already registered, click "Log in" in the upper right.
Note: Often you will find recommendations on Yahoo! without many details. Subscription databases may offer more details, analysis, and discussion around the recommendation.