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Refinitiv Eikon & Datastream

Financial Database on 2nd Floor of UL

Available Training

You will find training videos including how to get started using Eikon, and how to use with Microsoft Excel when creating analysis and models.

In addition there is training available for specific markets:

  • Commodities
  • Equity
  • FX and Money Markets
  • Fixed Income
  • Corporate Treasury
  • Asset Management
  • Investment Banking (Corporate Finance)
  • Wealth Management
  • Sustainable Finance

Certification - Bloomberg Market Concepts (BMC)

You can become certified in using Refinitiv Eikon. To become certified:

  1. Go to: Eikon Certification
  2. Review the preparation material which is video based, self-paced and will take you approximately 10 hours.
  3. When you feel confident request a token to take the exam.
  4. Complete the 60 minute, online Exam.

The exam is 30 questions long and you need to pass with 80% or higher. If you don't pass, you are allowed one additional attempt which you do not need to do immediately.