The databases and journals listed below are good resources for research topics in biology. If you would like help with searching in a specific database or journal, or help with databases in general, please do not hesitate to ask a librarian.
Interdisciplinary index that provides citations for high impact journals. Useful for forward citation searching. (Does not support Internet Explorer as a browser)
Index to articles covering all aspects of medicine. Developed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Having trouble accessing the full text of an article? Read below.
Not all search results in PubMed will lead you to the full text of an article (PDF or html) or publication to which we subscribe or have access. After searching, click the red "Find It" button to the right on your search results screen to search for that article against our library's holdings. If you do not see a red "Find It" button, add the following to the end of the URL you are viewing:
If that does not work, contact tech support.
Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, etc. Coverage 1969-present.
Articles in medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, etc. Access provided by INSPIRE: Indiana’s Virtual Library.
Full-text scientific database of articles and book chapters Note: The library does not have access to all content. Also, ScienceDirect ceased support of Internet Explorer 8 on Jan 1, 2016.
Interdisciplinary index primarily for the sciences and social sciences. Useful for forward citation searching. Need to export searches? Click "more..." below
Elsevier requires that you have an account in order to export from this database. If you do not have an account, you can create a free Elsevier account by going to and clicking on “Create Account.” Once you have created this account, it will work for other Elsevier products as well.
Covers the primary literature of all areas of chemistry, medicine, and other areas. First-time users must first register a new account using their university email address.Register a new account here.