The Library provides a cohesive, positive experience throughout their interactions with library personnel, resources, and spaces.
Criteria: X% of responses will agree or strongly agree to relevant questions in the customer satisfaction survey.
Evidence: Customer satisfaction survey
Responsible Unit/Area: Access Services
Assessment Year: TBD
FY 2021 Results: Unable to assess in 20-21.
Discussion: As of the beginning of Fall 2021, the service philosophy is still not completed. And we have not worked on a survey to determine the level of consistency in our service, as perceived by our patrons. We will continue to work on the service philosophy and build a survey.
Criteria: Increase in the number of referrals recorded in LibInsight for Fall semester compared to previous semesters; demonstrated use of business cards
Evidence: Statistics on referrals (LibInsight)
Responsible Unit/Area: Access Services
Assessment Year: 2020-21
FY 2021 Results: Examined desk statistics and found for FY2019/20, there were 142 referrals recorded, with 15 of those to subject librarians. For FY2020/21, 162 referrals were recorded, with 19 to subject librarians.
Discussion: Once we get our service philosophy written and have everyone trained on how to incorporate this into our daily work, which includes making good referrals, we will emphasize the importance of recording these referrals in LibInsight.
Key Message: Overall, patrons are being referred when necessary so they can have their questions answered.
Criteria: X (establish baseline) number of questions were asked at the virtual help kiosks and TSD.
Evidence: Use of technology and room kiosks.
Responsible Unit/Area: Client Support Team
Assessment Year: 2020-21
FY 2021 Results: Examined statistics on questions asked and found for Fall 2020-2021, 1547 questions were asked, with 72 asked via virtual help kiosks, 10 asked via tech help icons on the desktop, 1326 ask in person at the TSD, and 139 via the phone. Of the questions asked: 339 were about Group Study Reservations, 303 about Printing, 210 about general knowledge of the library, 180 about other UL services and 159 about software, 107 about office supplies, 74 about hardware, 61 about classroom/conference room support, 47 on wireless, 33 on scanning and 26 on 3D printing/scanning.
Discussion: This year is a baseline and future years will allow for data comparison.
Key Message: Patrons are using service points to meet their information needs.
Criteria: A majority of library users are observed to be wearing masks and maintaining physical distance while using the library building.
Evidence: Suma space observation data.
Responsible Unit/Area: Public Spaces Reopening Group and Library Administration
Assessment Year: 2020-21
FY 2021 Results: 13,876 patrons were recorded during this time. 11,173 were wearing masks, 2,703 were not wearing masks. 80% of users were wearing masks.
Discussion: An 80% compliance rate for mask wearing is very high and well above a majority of library users.
Key Message: Overall, library patrons were highly compliant with the campus mask mandate during the COVID pandemic.