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UL Assessment

Overview & Performance Indicators


The Library employs current technologies in innovative ways and adopts new technologies that both complement our strategic priorities and enhance the work of library users.


Performance Indicators
  1. Library personnel support active learning and research by providing access to hands-on, innovative technology experiences.
  2. The Library's web presence is accessible from a variety of devices and is useful, usable, and appealing to users.
  3. Library personnel maintain a culture of serving as an education and research technology implementation testbed for IU and IUPUI.
  4. Library personnel explore ways in which technology automates, augments, and enhances our internal processes and external services.
  5. Library personnel invest in the development and adoption of open source technologies and applications.
  6. Library personnel participate in industry best practices regarding technology related security and privacy.

PI1 Library personnel support active learning and research by providing access to hands-on, innovative technology experiences.

PI2 The Library's web presence is accessible from a variety of devices and is useful, usable, and appealing to users.

Outcome: Users choose library interfaces to find materials for their information needs.

Criteria: X% of library users report using the library website to find materials for their research needs. X% of users characterize the website as useful, usable, and appealing.

Evidence: User feedback on redesigned website.

Responsible Unit/Area: User-Experience & Project Management Librarian & Operations

Assessment Year: 2020-21

FY 2021 Results: (1) A series of Rapid Contextual Inquiries that focused on users of the library. Notes were sorted into 9 different categories that were used as a set of goals for the new website. (2) A peer comparison template was created and a team of library personnel worked to evaluate the library websites of our peers. (3) Digital card sorts were performed with users and with library personnel. These card sorts helped to shape the navigation of the new website. (4) A focus group was conducted with student employees of the library where-in participants looked at the new design and discussed what they needed in a library website.

Discussion: Currently, we take feedback through a form listed at the bottom of the library website. This has provided some feedback, but not at the level that would be completely informative. To fix this, in the near future, the UX/PM librarian will be looking into a less passive way to deliver quick surveys to stakeholders, in order to judge overall satisfaction with the website. The first-round information gathering will commence mid Fall 2021 (to give users time to acclimate to the new site) and be completed by the end of the Fall 2021 semester.

Key Message: The new library website was built using a variety of data inputs to best meet user needs. Future assessment through patron surveys will inform changes and updates to the site to ensure it continues to work for users.

PI3 Library personnel maintain a culture of serving as an education and research technology implementation testbed for IU and IUPUI.

PI4 Library personnel explore ways in which technology automates, augments, and enhances our internal processes and external services.

PI5 Library personnel invest in the development and adoption of open source technologies and applications.

Outcome: Library collections move to from externally managed systems into IU-custom Enterprise Scholarly Systems.

Criteria: X (establish baseline) number of library collections are moved from CONTENTdm into IU Digital Collections, formerly ESS Images.

Evidence: IU Digital Collections moves from development into production.

Responsible Unit/Area: Operations

Assessment Year: TBD

FY 2021 Results: Unable to assess in 20-21.

Discussion: Challenges in developing a bridge from CONTENTdm to IU Digital Collections have made us unable to complete this task so far.

PI6 Library personnel participate in industry best practices regarding technology related security and privacy.