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UL Assessment

Overview & Performance Indicators

Student Success:

The Library empowers students by giving them the tools they need to succeed through library services and resources, library employment, and education. University Library partners in the educational mission of IUPUI to develop and support information-literate learners who can discover, access, and use information effectively for academic success, research, and lifelong learning.


Performance Indicators
  1. The library contributes to student recruitment, retention, time to degree, and academic success. 
  2. Library personnel collaborate with faculty from the first-year experience through graduate school to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula, courses, and assignments.  
  3. Library personnel provide appropriate and timely instruction using pedagogical best practices, employing multiple learning platforms and recognizing diverse learning styles. 
  4. Library student employees gain the education and experience to succeed in their positions, furthering the mission of the organization while developing transferable skills that also support academic and career success.
  5. Library personnel foster student collaboration and facilitate the expression of diverse voices in the classroom and informal learning situations.

PI1 The library contributes to student recruitment, retention, time to degree, and academic success.

PI2 Library personnel collaborate with faculty from the first-year experience through graduate school to embed information literacy learning outcomes into curricula, courses, and assignments.

PI3 Library personnel provide appropriate and timely instruction using pedagogical best practices, employing multiple learning platforms and recognizing diverse learning styles.

Outcome: Students enhance their research skills through research consultations with librarians. 

Criteria: X% (establishing a baseline) of students responding to the post-research consultation survey state that the interaction was helpful.

Evidence: Post-research consultation survey in LibCal.

Responsible Unit/Area: Educational Services

Assessment Year 2020-21

FY 2021 Results: July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021 n=28 students completed the post-research consultation evaluation. Of those, 89% strongly agreed and 11% agreed that "overall, I feel the session was helpful for my needs."

Discussion: 89% strongly agree is a very strong result. However, for that period there were n=748 research consultations reported. This means we only received feedback on 4% of research consultations. The post-research consultation survey is deployed automatically for appointments booked through LibCal, but not for other research consultation mediums (e.g., email) or methods of booking (e.g., directly via email). Suggest exploring other ways to deploy the survey to increase response rate.

Key Message: Students report that research consultations help them with their research needs and to be successful with assignments.

PI4 Library student employees gain the education and experience to succeed in their positions, furthering the mission of the organization while developing transferable skills that also support academic and career success.

PI5 Library personnel foster student collaboration and facilitate the expression of diverse voices in the classroom and informal learning situations.