Web of Science is a large, multi-disciplinary subscription database that must be accessed through a proxied library link. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted login using your IU username and password.
Become a Web of Science power user! Watch these videos (all together less than 30 minutes) to improve your searching abilities.
Using Topics vs. All Fields (1:34)
Combining Fields and Concepts (2:28)
Improve your searching skills by using truncation, search operators, parentheses, and proximity (5:12)
Using Citations and References to Find More Articles (aka Citation Chaining) (2:37)
*This video shows some of the more unique features of Web of Science that are not possible in most other databases.
When you are getting to know a field of research, it's best to start with review articles and articles that are highly cited. Web of Science makes it easy to filter for these items.